$2.5M in NY Wastewater Planning and CSO Grants

New York is offering grants for wastewater planning engineering reports required by the CWSRF as well as for CSO detection equipment.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) is currently offering wastewater planning and overflow detection grants. NYSDEC has $2 million for planning publicly-owned wastewater system improvements and $500,000 to help communities with combined sewer overflow (CSO) outfalls improve detection and pollution reporting during wet weather events.

The funding is part of state legislation passed last year that dictates that the 2015-2016 New York State Budget provide $200 million in water infrastructure grants over three fiscal years. The purpose of the overall water infrastructure funding package is to help alleviate tax burdens on New York residents .

The goal of the Wastewater Infrastructure Planning Grants Program is to advance water quality projects for needy communities. Individual grants up to $100,000 can be used to pay for engineering or planning services that produce engineering reports required for Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) program financing. Activities may include investigations into the scope of water quality issues, alternatives and the feasibility of capital improvement projects.

The program requires a 20 percent community match, and eligible municipalities must have a median household income equal to or less than $65,000 based on the 2013 American Community Survey by the U.S. Census.

Communities must apply by June 30 on the Consolidated Funding Application .

Download the program overview from the NYSDEC website.

NYSDEC  also currently has $500,000 available for communities with fewer than 200,000 people to purchase and install detection, monitoring and reporting devices on Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs). This equipment will help municipalities with community reporting of CSOs during wet weather under the Sewage Pollution Right to Know Law. Individual awards could range up to $50,000. A 10 percent match and registration with NY-Alert are required.

Apply by August 26 on the New York State Grants Gateway Portal .

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