NEA Creative Placemaking Grants Up to $200K

Transformative community projects that improve livability and incorporate creative placemaking are eligible for NEA funding at a 50 percent match.

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is accepting Our Town grant applications for creative placemaking projects that transform communities and achieve livability goals through art, culture and design strategies. This funding supports local efforts to enhance the quality of life for residents and create or preserve a distinct sense of place.

Creative placemaking is when artists, arts organizations and community developers integrate arts and culture into community revitalization work. The purpose is to bring art into consideration with land-use, transportation, economic development, education, housing, infrastructure and public safety projects and strategies.

NEA awards range from $25,000 to $200,000 for projects beginning in or after August 1, 2018. A 50 percent non-federal match at a rate of at least one-to-one is required.

Our Town creative placemaking grants also require partnerships between arts organizations and government, other nonprofit organizations and private entities. NEA is looking for project applications in two areas:

  • Arts Engagement, Cultural Planning and Design Projects . These projects represent the distinct character and quality of their communities. These projects require a partnership between a nonprofit organization and a local government entity, with one of the partners being a cultural organization.
  • Projects that Build Knowledge about Creative Placemaking. These projects are available to arts and design service organizations, and industry, policy or university organizations that provide technical assistance for place-based projects. Matching grants range up to $100,000.

Learn more about the opportunity on the NEA website.

Review application requirements and instructions.

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