EducationGrantsHelp Staff

Full list of articles by EducationGrantsHelp Staff

  • Use Summer Vacation to Write School Technology Grants

    Use Summer Vacation to Write School Technology Grants


    A relative told me in 2001 that cell phones would never be popular and he would “never own one of those contraptions.” In 2007, he purchased a flip phone and told me he would not text or call me on the cell phone as it was “only to be used in case of emergencies.”

  • Foundation Funding Alternatives for 'Sanctuary Schools'

    Foundation Funding Alternatives for 'Sanctuary Schools'


    In my 20 years as an educator, I found there is a fine line between being brave and acting foolish. Many places around the United States are claiming to be “Sanctuary Cities,” which means they support immigrant-friendly practices (not a legal definition).

  • A Logic Model: Successfully Working with a Grant Professional

    A Logic Model: Successfully Working with a Grant Professional


    Growing up in the ‘70s, Star Trek was my “go-to” television show. I had a huge childhood crush on Captain Kirk, but I admired Spock’s one-line logic zingers. "Logic is the beginning of wisdom ... not the end”; it appears as if Spock was speaking of logic models.

  • The 4Cs: Grant Reviewers are Not Mind Readers

    The 4Cs: Grant Reviewers are Not Mind Readers


    I have served on six federal grant review committees, all valuable learning experiences. Serving on a grant review committee is hard work, and reviewers often end up scratching their heads while reading proposals.

  • Winning 21st CCLC Grant Tips

    Winning 21st CCLC Grant Tips


    21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) grants assist with enrichment programs for outside of school time. Subjects include math, reading, science, technology and youth development to support classroom instruction during the school day.

  • Gearing Up for the 2017 Education Grants Landscape

    Gearing Up for the 2017 Education Grants Landscape


    Negativity surrounded the 2016 U.S. Presidential election; none of us in the education profession are sure what the FY17 grant landscape will ultimately bring. Will the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) be abolished? What will entitlement funds such as Title I look like?

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