Hundreds of agencies across the country will be applying for these grants – many more than the COPS Office is able to fund.
On March 29, the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Office announced the availability of over $70 million in competitive grant funding to support a variety of community policing initiatives.
Five COPS grant programs will be accepting applications from now until the end of May to cover:
Spend the time now to understand what’s expected under each grant program so you can prepare a winning grant application .
Here’s a summary of each grant program along with some tips on how to prepare your application package.
$24 million in total funding available .
Funding authorized under the Students, Teachers, and Officers Preventing School Violence Act of 2018 (STOP School Violence Act of 2018) is available to improve security at schools and on school grounds using evidenced-based school safety programs.
Uses of the funds can include:
Eligible applicants: States, units of local government, Indian Tribes and public agencies (i.e., police, sheriff’s and school districts.) Note: Individual schools (public or private) are ineligible to apply directly for these funds. A portion of the funds can be sub-awarded to local education agencies and nonprofits, as well as other public agencies.
Maximum grant award: $500,000 over a two-year period. A 25 percent cash match is required.
Deadline: May 31, 2019.
$32 million in total funding available.
The AHTF is designed to advance public safety by providing funds to locate or investigate illicit activities through statewide collaboration related to the distribution of heroin, fentanyl, or carfentanil or unlawful distribution of prescription opioids. AHTF is open to state law enforcement agencies with multijurisdictional reach and an interdisciplinary team (e.g., task force) structures.
Uses of the funds can include:
Eligible applicants: Only state law enforcement agencies who have primary authority over state seizures of heroin, fentanyl , carfentanil and other opioids. The state must have high per capita rates of primary treatment admissions for heroin, fentanyl, carfentanil and other opioids
Maximum grant award: $3 million over a two-year period. No local match required.
Deadline : May 28, 2019.
$8 million in total funding available.
CAMP is designed to advance public safety by providing funds directly to state law enforcement to locate and investigate illicit activities related to the manufacture and distribution of methamphetamine .
The program targets funds to state law enforcement agencies in states with high seizures of precursor chemicals, finished methamphetamine, laboratories and laboratory dump seizures.
CAMP funding must be used to locate or investigate illicit activities such as precursor diversion, laboratories, or methamphetamine traffickers.
CAMP funding is not available for cleanup, treatment programs, or prosecution of methamphetamine-related activities.
Eligible applicants: CAMP is open only to state law enforcement agencies authorized by law to engage in or to supervise anti-methamphetamine investigative activities.
Maximum grant award: $2 million over a two-year period. No local match required.
Deadline: May 28, 2019.
$6 million in total funding available.
CPD funds are used to develop the capacity of law enforcement to implement community policing strategies by providing guidance on promising practices through the development and testing of innovative strategies; building knowledge about effective practices and outcomes; and supporting new, creative approaches to preventing crime and promoting safe communities.
Applicants must propose to develop strategies addressing multiple agencies, not single departments or jurisdictions.
In 2019, CPD will fund projects in the following areas:
Building Bridges between Law Enforcement and Youth
Increasing the Capacity for Change Through the Implementation of Innovative Recruitment Strategies
Designing a Public and Officer Safety Dashboard
Protecting Youth Through the Implementation of School Safety Recommendations
Translating Crime Reduction Best and Emerging Practices for Small and Rural Agencies
Building a Campaign to Improve the Reporting of Hate Crimes
Improving Law Enforcement Coordination and Information Sharing in Response to Endangered Youth
Innovative Uses of Technology to Address Crime
Emerging Issue Forums
Training for Law Enforcement: Developing New Skill Building Courses to Advance Public Safety
Blue Alert Network Support
Open Category
Invitational Applications
Uses of CPD funds: Varies by topic area.
Eligible CPD applicant: Allpublic governmental agencies, for-profit and nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education, community groups, and faith-based organizations.Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit an application that shows partnerships with key organizations including institutions of higher education and nonprofit organizations to build strong working relationships.
Maximum CPD grant award: Varies by topic area. Awards are for a two-year period. No matching funds required.
Deadline: May 28, 2019.
$2 million in total funding.
The 2019 LEMHWA program will fund projects that develop knowledge, increase awareness of effective mental health and wellness strategies , increase the skills and abilities of law enforcement, and increase the number of law enforcement agencies and relevant stakeholders using peer mentoring programs. Projects in topic areas 1 and 2 must be national in scope.
Topic areas include:
LEMHWA Peer Mentoring Training and Support
LEMHWA Recommendation Implementation
LEMHWA Peer Support Implementation Projects
Uses of funds: Varies by topic area.
Eligible applicants: Allpublic governmental agencies, for-profit and nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education, community groups and faith-based organizations.
Deadline: May 28, 2019.
Therese Matthews is a highly respected grant professional with more than 25 years of experience in grant writing, grants management and program development. Prior to her retirement in 2015, she was the Grants Manager for the New Jersey Department of Corrections and successful in obtaining over $140 million in federal, state and private grant funding for the agency. Since joining Praetorian Digital as a contracted consultant in March of 2016, Therese has been successful in writing several comprehensive grant proposals resulting in over $800,000 in grant awarded funds. These grants include awards under the Department of Justice’s Second Chance Act, Texas Body Armor Grant and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development Community Facilities Program. Therese continues to volunteer her time providing fundraising and grant writing assistance to various community organizations including her local board of education, nonprofit organizations and sports booster club. She holds a Bachelors in Sociology and Criminal Justice and Masters of Public Administration from Rutgers University.
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