The FTA’s grant program aims to improve bus facilities and bus infrastructure across the country, and move towards the use of low- or no-emission vehicles.
The 911 Upgrade Grant Program supports migration to an IP-enabled emergency network, and adoption and operation of NG911 services and applications.
The FY 18 Justice Assistance Grants focus on officer safety, violent crime, border security and collaboration and partnerships.
Become a team player and collaborate your way to success. These online collaboration tools can help.
COPS School Violence Prevention Program grants provide funding for law enforcement coordination, notification technology and violence-deterrent methods.
The Stop School Violence Act of 2018 provided funding for grants to help with threat assessment and the creation of technology solutions to increase anonymous reporting options.
Pennsylvania's Governor's Office is awarding $1.5 million in grants towards gun violence reduction programs with proven effectiveness.
A bipartisan effort with National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) will provide 45 two-year grants of $25K - $40K per year for naturalization efforts.
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