With the Trump administration's rollback of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) as it applies to the Clean Water Act, wetland and waterway restoration assistance is a priority in many communities. Three grants are opening early in 2019.
There are several federally-funded grant opportunities available to help sustain and increase the vitality of local water sources and tackle wetlands restoration. Apply early in 2019.
A grant offered through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and National Wildlife Council (NWC), in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the USDA Forest Service (USFS), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), as well as FedEx, Southern Company, Shell Oil Company and BNSF Railway, could provide future stability to wetlands and watersheds and improve water quality.
The program will provide $1.7 million in grants nationwide to local partnerships focusing on programs that emphasize wetland and waterway restoration and sustainability.
Grant proposals should emphasize at least one aspect from five different priority areas:
On-the-Ground Restoration
Environmental Outreach, Education and Training
Community Partnerships
Measurable Results
Applications are due by Jan. 31.
Register online at NFWF . Fill out an application by clicking, “Apply for funding.”
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association’s (NOAA) Restoration Center is offering grants of up to $3 million to fund activities that “return degraded or altered marine, estuarine, coastal and freshwater, migratory fish habitats to functioning conditions, and techniques that return NOAA trust species to their historic habitats.”
Matching funds are not required to receive a grant, but are encouraged.
Pre-proposals are due by Jan. 14.
As part of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative , NOAA’s 2019 Great Lakes grant program is offering grants up to $5 million for projects to “restore coastal habitats … and sustain healthy populations of native fish species in eight U.S. Great Lake States: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.”
Past winners include a nearly $5 million grant to the Friends of the Detroit River for the Belle Isle’s Lake Okonoka Habitat Restoration project, which ultimately nearly 300 acres of habitat.
The initiative will give priority to applications that meet one of the following criteria:
Applications are due Feb. 4.
Visit EPA’s website to track additional wetland and waterway restoration funding opportunities.
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